
Visitors are most welcome.

Meetings are held on the 4th Saturday of each month except December and January, and are held, unless otherwise notified, from 12noon until 3pm in the Hakea Room at the Mt Claremont Community Centre attached to the library in Montgomery Avenue, Mt Claremont.
The meeting includes a show and tell of members work, library browsing and borrowing from the Guild’s extensive collection of calligraphy-based books, along with a workshop conducted by one of our experienced Guild members for a nominal fee, followed by refreshments, tea and coffee supplied (BYO cup and additional snacks).
Please advise us upon arriving that you are a Visitor.

PLEASE NOTE: Our new postal address –
PO Box 928 Claremont WA 6010

12pm: The Hakea Room is open for Set up and the Library is open
12.30 Announcements, followed by a workshop that includes a tea/lunch break. Please bring your own cup

VENUE: The Mount Claremont Community Centre in the ‘Hakea Room’
107 Montgomery Avenue, Mount Claremont.